Thursday, April 17, 2008

Magic Pop Noon, Chupa-cHups Ngayon

Life at eighteen changes EVERYTHING.
I've changed my pop-preferences LITERALLY.
Metaphorically, choices seem to have changed, too. My preferences.
I've grown into this lazy cat who wants to prefer that road not less traveled,
to escape when it's boring already (I didn't attend my Logic classes three times, BUT returned to the adjacent room to attend Theology.),
to stay late NOT to study but to hold Q&A with my bestfriend.
I've tried to grow up (with no success...)
I am who I am, your opinion isn't desired nor required. (
This is still wrong, perhaps. Coz we need to grow up. Stand up with nobody's aiding you and face the world chin up (and without a pop dangling between the lips).
And now, I'm slowly....painstakingly letting go of the multiflavored Magic Pops of my past 18 years....the past hurts...past loves(infatuations, to be exact)...bad memos that must have been long gone had I let them fall from my hands.
And now prefer my CHUPA-CHUPS: the Good Side of College, A Year of Love, A Prayer for a Friend Answered...Life Life Life though it's still kinda suicidal.

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